Arrival and Departure Policy
Prompt arrival by 9:25am is encouraged to ensure each teacher is able to begin the day as scheduled. Parents must sign their child in each morning in the assigned "Welcome Room" location and sign them out in the afternoons at dismissal time. Safe and appropriate behaviors in the "Welcome Room" are encouraged. We request that morning communication with the teachers occur through a written note so that proper supervision is not interrupted. Teachers will be available for discussions after class upon request.
Please send a note to school with your child if a person other than those adults listed on the Release Authorization Form will be picking up your child. ID will be required. A $10 fee for late pick up will be charged if the responsible party is over 10 minutes late. If special assistance is needed for arriving and departing with your child, please contact the Director. The parking areas are in front of the church and at the Church Street side of the building. The marked crosswalk must be used for safety purposes. If your child will be absent from preschool, please call 757-868-6174, extension 16, before 9:00 am.