Building a partnership between school and families is a central goal of our program. We know families are the most important element in a child's life, therefore, we want to work with you. Teachers will maintain portfolios for each child and record progress in each of these areas. Our goal is to help each child develop at his or her own rate and discover his or her unique strengths and special gifts. Students' progress will be reported for each semester during conferences. Additional meetings between teacher and parent may be scheduled as needed. Regular informal communication, as well as weekly newsletters, are an important part of our program. You can do your part by checking communication folders every Friday to read important correspondence from the teacher, Director, and POPs. Parents are encouraged to address concerns with the teacher first. If a satisfactory resolution is not possible, a meeting with the Director will be scheduled. If resolution still is not reached, the preschool board will serve as the Parental Grievance Committee.
Parent Volunteer Policy
Parents are encouraged to consult your classroom teacher and our teacher assistants to express your interest in volunteering for the school.
Classroom Volunteering
We welcome your participation in other ways as well. Perhaps you would like to read a story or share some information about your profession or hobby. Please contact the Director about any of these or other ideas. We love parent involvement and new ideas are always welcome.